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EP Kings10942


Die kontrakgroep is tans met die afseisoenprogram besig. Baie aandag word aan krag en kondisionering gegee. Die groep breek op Dinsdag 13 Desember en keer terug op 4 Januarie 2012. Die spelers kry ‘n intensiewe oefenprogram wat hulle op hulle eie volg tydens die reses en word evalueer op 4 en 5 Januarie. Die voorseisoenprogram neem in aanvang op 8 Januarie en die eerste oefenwedstryd is op 16 Januarie teen die Madibas op Outeniqua Park.

Ek het baie vertroue in die groep. Die groep het vanjaar diepte en bestaan uit 34 spelers (teenoor die 22 van verlede seisoen). Die eesrte Vodacomwedstryd is op 10 Maart teen die Cheetahs in Bloemfontein. Die span word onder die leiding van die Vodacomafrigter, Eddie Myners, gebrei en daar word met groot verwagting uitgesien na ‘n goeie Vodacom en curriebekerseisoene. Die voormalige Springbokrugbyspelers, Anton Leonard en Bevin Fortuin, is onderskeidelik die voorspeler- en agterspelerafrigter van die groep en waardevolle insette word reeds deur hulle gelewer.

Sunday 7 August 2011


The SWD Eagles continued their winning momentum by beating the Griffons in Welkom on Saturday afternoon by 48 points to 45. The match was played on a cold Free State afternoon on a very hard and dry field. The Eagles scored 7 tries to the 6 of the Griffons, who are under pressure as they are winless in this year's Currie Cup and as a result, threw absolutely everything they had at the Eagles. It was a comfortable win and the score flatters the Griffons somewhat, as the Eagles led by 40 points to 14 and took their foot off the pedal somewhat in the last quarter of the match, a trend the team is working very hard at to rid themselves of. As a result the Griffons scored 2 consolation tries at the death. The Eagles' backline broke the Griffons defence nearly at will and is a force to be reckoned with in the Currie Cup this season.
For the Eagles, the back three of Elric van Vuuren, Howard Noble and Baldwin McBean each scored two tries. The seventh try was scored by lock Hein Potgieter who ran like a wing for 30 metres for a superb try. Van Vuuren was also successful with 5 conversions and 1 penalty and is fast becoming a stand out player for the Eagles.
The Eagles are now third on the log after only 3 games, of which 2 were played away from home.

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